Fleas and Ticks
Fleas and ticks go to amazing lengths to find hosts. Fleas have 6 powerful legs that allow them to jump distances 200 times their body size.
Fleas and ticks go to amazing lengths to find hosts. Fleas have 6 powerful legs that allow them to jump distances 200 times their body size. Both fleas and ticks make a meal of your pet's blood. Pets often have no clue they are harboring stow-away pests. They transmit dangerous diseases and have complex life cycles. Fleas are know for spreading diseases such as and not limited to typhus and the plague while ticks can cause lyme disease, tularemia and rocky mountain spotted fever. Female fleas will lay at least 20 eggs a day. Half of those will be females and can lay their 20 eggs a day. Fleas have been on the earth for a least 165 million years.