Bed Bugs
Bedbugs are small, reddish brown insects that are approximately 5mm in length. They become redder and swollen right after they've eaten.

Bedbugs are small, reddish brown insects that are approximately 5mm in length. They become redder and swollen right after they've eaten. They feed on blood exclusively and are extremely resilient. They have been known to survive up to a year without a meal in cool conditions. You may wake up with bites but never find the actual insect because they are very small and move mostly at night while you’re sleeping. We find them usually in cracks and seams of mattresses, behind furniture and even electric outlet plates or pictures. Bed bugs can be found in homes but are native to hotels where they’re brought in through other's luggage or personal belongings and can travel room to room. They can be found in the cleanest and well kept environment as well. If you suspect your may have bed bugs, call us immediately so we can come inspect.